A Free Man of Color
Production Photos
Finished set. (Photo taken by Joey Watson)
Certain louvered sections were built separately and attached into openings in the walls with hinges. (Photo taken by Joey Watson)
Color rendering (Art by Ken George)
Finished set
A spiral staircase was pulled from storage. The base was held to the stage floor with lag screws.
Large tracking walls (20’-0” tall by 8’-0” wide) were built using mostly 1x4 with 2x4s placed to catch seams in facing.
1” straight casters were mounted to the base of each tracking wall using 1/4” bolts.
A large steel plate bolted to the top of each tracking wall. Scenery carriers were attached to this plate.
To create the illusion of louvers, spacers (cut from 1x4) were attached to the framing. Strips of 1/4” thick luan were then attached to the spacers.
All images taken by Elise Masur unless otherwise stated