August Osage County
Production Photos
Finished set of stage left porch area. (Photo by Eddy Perez)
Finished set of interior. (Photo by Eddy Perez)
Model (Built by Ken George)
All walls were built from 2x4 so they could act as stud walls and support the second and third levels of the set.
Columns were made from 4x4 square steel tube with plates welded to the top and bottom.
1 1/2” x 2” rectangular steel tube was MIG welded together to create the framing for both the second and third levels.
Surface of walls was covered in joint compound to create texture.
First floor was covered in strips of 1/4” thick luan painted to look like old wooden flooring.
Outside of the structure was covered in strips of 1/4” luan and 1x4 painted to look like aging clapboard.
All images taken by Elise Masur unless otherwise stated